Friday, July 29, 2011

York, SC Skip's (Joe's) brother's family

Left to right: Bill, Bee, Coleman, Colin, Christopher, Tony, Jenny and far right Vickie.
Bill and Vickie and their family, especially Vickie, spoiled us rotten.  Great food and lots of it and a great family get together.   Thank all of you very much for a great family gathering!

Skip's (Joe's) brother Bill and sister-in-law Vickie.

You all know Skip (Joe) and that's nephew Tony.

Tony and Jenny's kids, Colin and Christopher. Very well-behaved and wonderful great nephews.

Sonya and Bee (Skip's nephew and his wife)


  1. nice family pictures

  2. Great pix. I can see the country vicariously through you!

    If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you visit Colonial Williamsburg. Be sure to see everything, eat (without utensils!) at the pub, and talk to the "cast" as if it were the 1700's. They totally stay in character. I think there is an RV park nearby.

    Can't wait to see pix of Niagra! Have fun - and DON'T sit on any of the railings to peek over! Yikes!

  3. Uhmm - don't know why the above comment doesn't have my name, but it's me - Vivian :)
